What is actually happening?

More and more we are seeing changes and disruption in our society, that is because the frequencies and energies are rising entering a new era, the Age of Aquarius. Every great empire must fall and history repeats itself. Period 9 in Chinese metaphysics is the time of change and expansion, year of the wood dragon. In hinduism this is called the 4th period of Kali Yuga, the Revelations as the bible would call it. This new era bringing in new consciousness to the world and bringing back Devine Christos to build the New Earth. Pluto in Aquarius only happened a few times throughout history during the Fall of Rome, American and French Revolution. There will be more monumental energetic shifts coming this year.

Devine Christos, The Emerald City, Shambahla or Nirvana is within you. As we go through the ascension process let me explain what the timelines we are in now:

There are currently two timelines tethered parallel together:
3D matrix controlled- Digital slavery. This matrix will eventually collapse and CBDC will be introduced. CBDC is Linked to Digital ID, social credit score and personalized carbon allowance.

This is programmable currency, that capitalists and elites can turn off your ability to transact, this will have an expiry date and saving will be impossible. CBDC will be geofenced linked to satellites that have set perimeters where you can travel. 

They will be able to leverage people’s money to enforce whatever mandate they see fit in the case of “Global Emergencies” 3D will feel like a digital prison

You can reject timeline 1 and can go to timeline 2

Timeline 2 is 5D

5D will be anchored in as main timeline for New Earth, this is a state of consciousness
The projected critical mass date will be around June- July
This is right after the BTC halving
5D is freedom and sovereignty, unity consciousness, and love for the world
There will be a parallel tokenized blockchain based economy that billions of us will be living in, this will have peer to peer transactions, no monopolization of power and you are the custodian of your assets.

Fiat Currency wont be here for long

In 5D:
Mortgages will be voided
The debts will be gone
Everything is restructured
We will be in a blockchain economy and money is cleansed

How to position yourself

  1. Develop independent income streams
  2. Learn about block chain and crypto tokens- how custody works, storage, store, purchase, transfer securely and get a cold wallet
  3. Build your network with others who will also anchor timeline 2
  4. Heal your emotional pain and trauma as frequency is everything, it will strip the densities and elevate your frequency
  5. Spiritually develop energetic skills and abilities
  6. Put your energetic house in order, clear your field, energetic mastery= Energy creates matter and reality
    369- Energy, Frequency, and vibration

It will feel like living with a glass wall and feel more distant from 3D and 5D people
Through free will you get to choose, based in your frequency and state of mind

How to not be a calcified muggle and clear your field- what you need to heal:

  1. Ancestral patterns
  2. Karmic patterns
  3. Distortions to subconscious programs= Distorted perception
  4. Soul Patterns
  5. Past life pain bodies
  6. Relationship with money energy
  7. Undesireable patterns the field has learned

Also stop using flouride

Before this can occur, the masses who have recently awakened will require help, guidance and you’ll need to work with them. They will be extremely vulnerable at this stage and if you’re someone who has been through an awakening you know what it’s like.
You need to begin to work on yourselves and begin to train, grow and develop your energetic skills. Work and invest in yourself now in preparation and when this all unfolds, you become the go to person of your collective. Find out how to tap into essential evergreen skills and activate your multidimensional abilities. This is what your soul came here for! Not to work 9-5 and be a slave for the rest of your life.

Ask yourself:
How can I begin to grow and spiritually develop to position myself to help the masses?

In 2024 and beyond the concept of Quantum field, frequency, and energetic healing will be mainstream. Clearly, the reductive approach to healthcare is no longer working and we need to start digging deeper of the causes of our discomfort.

As pioneers we get to design and build New Earth

New Education and training
New Economy
Technology and development
Food & Agriculture
Health and Medicine
Expression, professions and careers
Communities and housing
Local Governance- Policies not corrupt people
We will also have more contact and cooperation with our Galactic families

If you are going through an awakening and slowly realizing that we live in a fucked up world, that humanity has been controlled for eons, there is a large loving community that is supportive of this ascenscion journey. The future is bright, you are not alone and there is so many of us now that are aware of this. 

We got this.

Surviving the Ascension


Unlocking Abundance: The Quantum Secrets of Manifestation