Full Moon in Leo
Harness the Full Moon’s Fire: A Leo Season Guide to Radical Release & Self-Empowerment
If you have been triggered this week and themes of self worth, feeling not good enough and longing to live bigger; the full moon pulses with potent energy—a cosmic invitation to shed what no longer serves you and step into your power.
But how do you navigate this intensity without getting swept away? Here’s your roadmap to alchemize the heat and rise, phoenix-like, from the flames.
🌕 Let Emotions Flow, Don’t Let Them Anchor
Emotions may surge like tidal waves under this luminous sky. *Let them rise, but don’t drown in their pull.* Full moons are portals for release, not rumination. Observe the feelings without gripping them. Imagine each wave crashing, then receding—leaving you lighter, clearer, ready to rebuild.
🔥 Affirm Your Worth—Silently, fiercely.
Leo’s spotlight tempts us to seek applause, but true power lies in *inner* validation. Close your eyes and whisper: *“I am enough, simply because I exist.”* Repeat it until your nervous system believes it. External praise is fleeting; self-worth is unshakable. Anchor there.
If you need to write in a piece of paper and burn it, tonight is a perfect night to ritualize and symbolically burn those unconscious beliefs that are keeping us small. We are here to take space.
🦁 Move the Energy Stuck in Your Chest
Leo rules the heart—a fiery, creative force. When emotions jam in your chest, *move.* Dance like nobody’s watching. Stretch like a cat basking in sunlight. Breathe deeply, igniting your inner flame. Let your body speak the words your mind can’t. Motion is medicine.
🎨 Create, Don’t Complain
Raw emotions are art supplies in disguise. Grab a pen, a paintbrush, or your living room floor. Channel frustration into a poem, rage into a rhythm, longing into a collage. *Create something ugly, messy, or wild.* The act itself is liberation—proof that you’re alchemizing pain into power.
🌟 Ask the Big Question: “What’s This Trigger Teaching Me?”
That searing frustration? That pinch of insecurity? Don’t dismiss it—*interrogate it.* What old story about your worthiness does it echo? How is it nudging you to reclaim your voice, boundaries, or agency? Triggers are unpolished mirrors. Polish them, and you’ll see a leader staring back.
How to Break Free
1. The Truth on Paper:
What have you been afraid to express?
Where do you still seek permission?
What would happen if you let yourself be unapologetically bold?
2. Move Like You Were Never Taught:
Let your hips move in ways that feel unfamiliar, instinctual, ancient.
Shake off the dust of generations.
Reclaim your sacral space. No explanation. No justification. Just move.
3. Place One Hand on Your Heart, the Other on Your Sacrum.
Feel the fire between them.
Let it burn away every ‘should’ and ‘must’ ever placed upon you.
Let it rewrite your story.
This full moon isn’t just a moment—it’s a match.
Let it burn away the doubts, the people-pleasing, the smallness. You’re not here to shrink; you’re here to roar. 🔥
As we embrace this month’s theme of creativity, when we are able to burn through the debris we can flow and create more freely. We feel ready and refreshed.