Wealth distribution: The universe consists of codes.

The universe is an algorithm that consists of geometry, math, binary codes, it is the universal language. When you step out to duality to zero point you access infinity instead of relying probability, this is how synchronicities work, why you see angel numbers, the Mandela effect, glitches in the matrix and you see these because you have reached the middle point.
When you are neutral you are ok with receiving manifestations coming in and out, you let go of attachments, you tell the universe that you accept and you don’t chase, you simply attract. The more that you let go, the right things fall into place. Follow what sparks the light inside you, what feels good. Surrender… You are stronger than the fear of whats holding you back.

Everyday is a new day and an abundance of new opportunities. There is no failure just a change in the plot. You create your own reality as a player. The old way of manifesting is to strap your boots and wait for years, go to school and hope you get a good salary. The quantum way you get to mold your reality is by visualizing who you want to be and things start to fall into place just by merely being in coherence with the frequency of what you are trying to achieve. You are trapped because you fear change, you don’t have the life that you want or feel the way you should be feeling because you haven’t fulling accepted your truth, its the tug of war between being comfortable, feeling safe and stepping into your untapped potential. This is the programming, the matrix. It wants you to fear to stop you from becoming your Devine authentic self.

The reality that you know thrives in capitalism, but capitalism isn’t the problem, its the greed; but it only exists because we feed them with our fears and money that we worked hard for. Corporations don’t exists without consumers. This new era we’re stepping into will highlight the power back to people, we give, support and consume products that are in alignment to our values. If you don’t have values or have a skewed moral compass, too blind to see whats really happening, then maybe you are a piece of shit. Accept that and heal your shit. This is going to catalyze wealth distribution.

JP Morgan once said, whoever owns the money owns the world. Bitcoin is money, Agenda 2030 great reset will introduce CBDC into the ecosystem of the world. Hands down it needs to happen and is going to happen; however before all this to happen the great awakening has to come first.

As Pluto is moving in Aquarius in January this will become more evident. People who have been on the ascension and enlightenment path, who are choosing love and gratitude will expect new spiritual gifts, develop or be activated. Our guides are grateful for all your efforts as we raise the consciousness and build this new earth. To those still asleep, everything that you think or what you thought of reality is false and it will feel like you’re losing your mind because they have boxed you for so long and they are now losing their grip; the only way out is to be fearless. You are not just a fly on the wall, you hold great cosmic templates within you that can change timelines, no other being has in their DNA.

Timelines are merging and those who choose to remain in the old earth will eventually be the one that will dissolve. Your soul will choose to ascend in another lifetime.  Those who choose to be in 5D will get to see a more peaceful and abundant world. If you are reading this, clearly you are in 5D timeline. Don't get pulled in by fear and negativity. Stand your ground and keep raising your vibration, we're almost there. 

You’re exactly where you need to be.


12/12 Portal Update