Why is there evil?

The Law of One is representative of the natural laws of Universal Unified Field Physics, the Divine Creation Mechanics by which the consciousness of Source perpetually creates the experience of manifest worlds.

There are two paths that one can take- a path to chaos and path to goodness. God initially wanted to experience itself and split into two aspects positive and negative.

"Path to chaos" in the sense of a deliberate choice to embrace evil. Instead, it suggest that chaos arises from a misalignment with Source, a "dis-harmonious interrelationship of energy" that leads to suffering and destructive consequences. This misalignment, termed "Karma," occurs when individuals make choices that contradict the natural order of the universe, referred to as "Divine Right Order," which represents the harmonious flow of energy aligned with Source. This posit that the universe is self-regulating, and does not require a deity actively judging or punishing individuals. Rather, misaligned choices create a kind of energetic feedback loop, leading to experiences that reflect that discord.

Conversely, the path to goodness, or the "Christiac Objective," involves aligning one's thoughts and actions with the "Law of One." This path emphasizes love, compassion, and respect for all life forms as expressions of Source. Choosing this path leads to experiences of joy, harmony, and spiritual growth. Importantly, this path doesn't deny or demonize the existence of chaos or those who may be misaligned with Source. Instead, it encourages understanding, forgiveness, and the recognition of our shared connection to Source.

Free will is a fundamental aspect of this cosmological framework. The choice to align with or deviate from Source is presented as an inherent part of the human experience, essential for growth and the understanding of love and order.

Misalignment is not a permanent state. It is potential for redemption and the restoration of harmony through conscious effort and the realignment of one's energy with the "Divine Blueprint." This suggests that even within chaos lies the potential for growth, learning, and the eventual return to a state of balance and unity with Source.

Why Choose the path to Chaos?

When individuals fail to adhere to the primary principle of treating all beings with kindness and love, their actions and creations become increasingly convoluted and eventually lead to their own self-destruction. Upon self-destruction, the once sentient being reverts to Source-God as undifferentiated units of conscious energy devoid of memory and individuated identity recognition. There, it will be recycled by Source into other creations.

The advantage of awakening one's "God-Presence Within" is that, in doing so, a being can retain its individuated identity and the memory of its manifest experience, to consciously re-join Source-God through Ascension. Through Ascension, a being re-attains the conscious ability to express Full Mastery of Chosen Experience, knowing itself in At-One-Ment with God, through which the natural cycle of loving, Conscious Co-Creation within the Wholeness that IS God can be perpetuated.

These are core foundations and Divine Cognitions upon which the Law of One, the Emerald Covenant, the Lyran-Sirian Cultural Model. They are also the precepts by which all Free World Order systems within the Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds function.


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