How Perception & Beliefs Shape reality

The Journey of Writing

For a long time, I found writing to be extremely hard. I would get distracted easily like a squirmy squirrel looking for a nut. I took writing bootcamps which have been extremely helpful, listened to authors and spent hours and hours at Barnes and Noble.

After observing and reading several books they all have one thing in common. They were all so raw and open and they allowed people to let in to their world. The best ones unabashedly wrote without caring what people thought of them. Like anything else, writing is a skill. Its how well you can tell stories, how deeply feel and paint a picture with your words.

The Power of Storytelling

In one of my client mentorship this week, Flor who is a film producer and is a director in New York is here for her Devine mission to share her vision to the world.

We were discussing about story telling. Story telling and writing has been the foundation of our society. When they told stories about myths and legends, early humans used stories as a tool for survival and their beliefs passed down to shape the world.

Perception and Reality

One time I ate so much mushrooms, the blue sky made me cry, and I swore I could hear and smell it too. In reality the sky is just an atmospheric mirage. In fact its just an idea… because we can't see these atoms. We only think it's blue because its what our eyes tell us so.

This raises a profound question: What else do we see, feel, or experience that is just a shared projection?

And so during my mushroom sesh... altered states of consciousness can break the filters of ordinary perception. Psychedelics helps us remember that reality, as we know it, is malleable—a canvas that our mind projects meaning.

The sky isn't real, It's just a refraction which accumulate due to the atmospheric pressure. Wavelengths of light described mathematically by Rayleigh's law.

The Nature of Beliefs

BELIEFS, BELIEVE, and BELIEVING is to trust something. It's to have faith. We create frameworks (identities, stories) to explain our world and give it coherence, even when underlying truths may be more fluid or ambiguous.

Much of what we perceive is not objective truth, but a construct—something built by our perceptions, experiences, and the limitations of our senses. Without these reference points or shared perceptions, we would struggle to define what is "real" or "true." This creates a fascinating tension between subjective experience and objective reality.

A Childhood Memory: The Following Moon

When I was a kid I would go on joy rides with my dad to the beach at night and I would look at the moon and think it's following me. My perception and observation made me believe that it was following me but in reality it wasn't. It felt real because my perception told me so—no matter where we went, the moon seemed to stay in the sky, right alongside me.

However, the moon wasn't moving with me; it's so far away that its position appears constant relative to where my perspective was on Earth.

This is an example of how our mind interprets what it sees to make sense of reality, even if the interpretation isn't accurate.

The Formation of Beliefs

It's a beautiful way to highlight how our beliefs are shaped:

Perception → what we see or feel

Interpretation → how we make meaning of it

Belief → the story we tell ourselves based on that meaning

Modern Challenges and Transformation

Today, we often argue which opinion is right. People squabbling on social media and this create resistance—like a constant game of tug-of-war where no one wins, and everyone ends up drained.

Beliefs are lenses through which we observe and navigate the world, but when we operate unconsciously, they can trap us in prejudice, worry, and preconceptions.

The key to existence is constant transformation. Physics has proven this. Energy is eternal, and eternity itself can be understood as unconditional love.

Love and Energy

Love is a neutral energy that can either be positive of negative. A belief that refuses to evolve becomes dense and stagnant, calcifying into resentment, hatred, and separation.

As Einstein's equation (E=mc²) says, energy is in perpetual motion. Equating this state to unconditional love.

Right before Einstein died (which btw, he was one of the biggest skeptic), He said, "For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. Love transcends all other energies and is essential for humanity's survival. If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer."

The Path Forward

To create change we have to be open minded hear all perspectives and find a common ground. It's to have unconditional love for others to put yourself in their shoes and to really listen and look deeper.

Wisdom isn't about knowing everything, but about understanding that your perspective is limited. True insight comes from recognizing that other paths are equally valid, equally meaningful.

Ignorance isn't about the boundaries of your knowledge, but about the walls you build around that knowledge. It's about refusing to listen, to consider, to acknowledge that your truth is not the only truth. The moment you close yourself off from those other paths is the moment you truly become lost.

There are countless ways of seeing, understanding, and experiencing the world—each with its own depth, its own value. Share perspectives gently, without trying to "convince" or prove them wrong. Over time, those seeds may take root when they're ready.


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