How Soul contracts

How Soul Contracts Work: A Guide to Spiritual Evolution

The Basic Concept

You enter Earth with a soul contract—an agreement to experience specific life events that you need to overcome. This journey unfolds through a series of events and nodes that must be completed. When you successfully navigate each level, your soul contract is fulfilled, and you achieve freedom.

Soul Ages and Reincarnation

Some beings are ancient souls, while others are newer to the journey. Many souls continue reincarnating because they forget their true purpose and repeat the same patterns until their lessons are learned. Instead of pursuing their divine purpose and highest expression, people often choose paths or careers that don't align with their meaningful destiny.

Understanding Your Path

Your natal chart serves as a map, helping identify the challenges you must overcome. This prevents spending decades discovering what lessons you need to learn. Think of the universe as having an accounting department: accumulating good karma and living in alignment with mind, body, and soul allows you to progress to the next level until becoming a sovereign soul. Often, those in their final life dedication themselves to service—serving others and serving All.

Earth's Purpose and Ascension

The only way out from the time matrix is through spiritual ascension. Earth was established as a rehabilitation planet for souls who became homeless after the galactic wars, offering a place to discover your soul's uniqueness. We are all fragments of God, whether "good soul" or "bad soul." The quarantine of souls here serves the purpose of spiritual purification.

Those carrying karma, DNA distortions, or dark contracts become like viruses in a controlled state. Higher dimensions operate on specific frequency bands. An uncontrolled human emotional state can disrupt and collapse these controlled systems—similar to bringing contamination into a sterile surgical environment.

How to Clear Karma: A Practical Guide

You transmute patterns gradually. Patterns are recurring themes, structures, or sequences—like algorithms in your operating system (body and mind). To change a complete script:

1. Identify bugs in your code

2. Fix them or do the opposite (if sad, choose happiness)

3. Identify the source of negative emotions and eliminate them

While this sounds simple, it represents the core challenge. Successfully completing this allows progression to the next level. As you ascend higher:

- Problem-solving becomes easier

- Your capacity expands

- Fear diminishes

- Divine potential awakens

Practical Example: Breaking Pattern of Lack

1. Identify the issue: Inability to generate desired income

2. Explore: What is your earliest money-related memory?

3. Body awareness: Locate feelings (typically in lower body, related to safety and creation)

4. Remove layers to receive more light

5. Absorb information (light) to break free from inherited patterns

6. Monitor self-talk: These are brain prompts

7. Set intentions: "Higher self, I recognize my fear of showing up. Please collapse this pattern of fear of being seen. I commit to practicing communication skills and releasing fear of judgment"

8. Practice pattern recognition for true self-mastery

Final Notes

Receiving higher frequency bands and maintaining zero point accelerates the clearing process. Your highest self can learn pattern collapse techniques, ultimately leading to self-healing mastery. This is where I come in to assist you in your ascension as a guide, I negotiate soul contracts, put you on a higher timelines, help you collapse patterns and expose you to higher bands of frequencies to expedite your ascension. In return, life events can change. The more you live in alignment in tangent to having an energetic coach you start living your live as your devine self until you learn to become your own healer and learn your ways to ascension mechanics.


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