Stations of Identity

Stations of Identity

Imagine the universe as a complex, multi-layered structure of consciousness and energy. This model proposes five main levels, each containing three sub-levels. These levels are often called "density levels" or "Harmonic Universes."

Five Harmonic Universe

The Five Levels:

  1. Physical Reality (Dimensions 1-3) Our familiar physical universe.
  2. Astral/Emotional Realm (Dimensions 4-6) Associated with emotions, dreams, and the soul concept.
  3. Causal/Mental Realm (Dimensions 7-9) Linked to higher thought and broader spiritual awareness.
  4. Spiritual Realm (Dimensions 10-12) Connected to advanced states of consciousness and spiritual enlightenment.
  5. Source Realm (Dimensions 13-15) The highest level, closest to universal consciousness or divine source.

Stations of Identity:

Each individual's consciousness exists simultaneously across multiple levels. These various expressions of self are called "Stations of Identity." For example:
  • Our everyday personality exists in the first level
  • Our emotional and astral self in the second
  • Our higher mental and causal self in the third
  • Our spiritual self in the fourth
  • Our highest, most universal self in the fifth
Each person is an expression of the divine source, has multiple aspects of identity spread across these dimensional realities or Harmonic Universes.

Spiritual Evolution and Natural Laws:

The model proposes that to achieve unity with the divine source, we must learn to live in harmony with natural laws. This process involves integrating and healing all our spiritual expressions across time, including those that may have become stuck, harmed, or traumatized.
Key points in this evolutionary process:

Learning from experiences is crucial for evolution.
Our higher spiritual identity aids in recollecting and integrating our fragmented aspects from various time fields.
Each density level has its own set of laws governing consciousness movement and perception.
These laws influence the stage of evolutionary development and the unique spiritual expression of each individual.

Consciousness Spectrum and Divergence:

Our physical bodies may exist in similar time-space locations, their spiritual vehicles can exist at vastly different levels of the consciousness spectrum and in entirely different dimensional timelines. This divergence is  particularly pronounced during Earth's current ascension phase. Gaia moving to a higher dimensional field which she is now in 5D moving to 8D.
Our visible light spectrum gives us a very limited perception of energetic reality. For instance, a consciousness in 5D timelines would perceive and express reality very differently compared to one in AI timelines.


Yin Yoga


Energetic Healing Aftercare Integration Journal